Thursday, April 2, 2009


Day three. Bah.

I did it, and while at first I was unwilling to admit that anything was getting easier, it occurred to me about halfway through that it was a smidgen easier. That's something, right? It better be. Considering I stepped on the scale this morning and was up two effing lbs. GAH!

Anyhoo, here's the meal breakdown today... (oh and ps, yesterday ended up being a bust. don't ask... no cookies or candy, but some poor choices when it came to crackers and zucchini bread last night. )
2 ......Cereal
1 ......ww yogurt
2 ......hummus
0 ......carrots
4 ......sandwich
1 ......pudding
2 ......pretzels
0 ......salad
2 ......dressing
2 ......Hard boiled egg
2 ......Chicken
3 ......Crackers
2 cream

total pts: 27 total calories: 1736 HOLY CRAP.

Day 3 of 30 day shred
40 minutes on treadmill