Monday, January 11, 2010

Blowing the dust off this thing

Did the first day of the 30 day shred this morning and wowsa am I in worse shape than I thought.  That's ok though, more improvement to see I guess.

Exercise Today:

5:00 am
26 min 41 seconds and 246 calories burned.  The monitor also says 45% fat, so I'm not sure what that means, but thought I'd keep a record of it here in case it changes.

12:30 pm
35 min brisk walking on treadmill, 399 cals burned and 35% fat.
Eaten today:

6:00 am        
Latte (w/ 1/2 cup milk-steamed and 3 packets of splenda)       (50 cals)
Banana (60 cals)
Cheese Stick (60 cals)

7:30 am
homemade bran muffin (?  will check later)

10:00 am
yoplait yogurt (110 cals)
Go lean Cereal (165 cals)

1:30 pm
Can of Chicken Barley Soup (160 cals)
carrots and hummus (140 cals)
sugar free pudding (60 cals)